Journal Code Nature, the Mother of Tech Birds could fly before the Wright brothers created the plane, Neural networks existed within the deep roots of trees that allow them to share nutrients and communicate
Code String Reversal in Javascript In this javascript algorithm, I would be sharing with us different methods to reverse a string in javascript. This is a common exercise in coding interviews, entry level algorithm challenges, though implementation in
Code Journal What can a course in programming to do you ? So you may be wondering what benefits you get from learning how to code, apart from the obvious benefits, learning how to code can help you
Code Palindrome in Javascript In this javascript algorithm exercise, I would be sharing how to write a palindrome algorithm in javascript.
Journal Code Dive straight to code or wireframe I was chatting with someone recently who’s building their first website for a paying client. He’s doing extremely well, grappling with setting up hosting, domain names, WIX, Wordpress, CMS templates, Twig and HTML